Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Popular Questions

Got a question? - What happens at your visit? - We’re here to help.

  • What machine do you use?

    AW3 Schnelle diode medical grade 

  • How many sessions will I need?

    Average 8-10 sessions depending on hair type, area and individual. 

    Sessions are every 4-6 weeks, can be longer once treatment progresses and hair reduces. 

    A good improvement is noticed at about 6 sessions. 

    Book your first session here -

  • Will I need top up?

    Approximately 90% loss of hair therefore 1-2 sessions yearly may be required or every 18 months.

  • What is the difference between IPL and Laser?

    The key difference between the two treatments is that IPL uses a broad spectrum of high intensity light, which is emitted at multiple wavelengths. Laser hair removal emits a single focussed and precise wavelength, which is optimised for maximum follicle absorption.

  • How does It work?

    Pulses of light are absorbed by the melanin in the hair, the melanin converts the light into heat which kills the follicle. Killing the hair follicle will ensure any hair is unable to re grow.

  • Will Laser Hair removal permanently remove my hair?

    Laser hair removal permanently reduces your hair. It will remove at least 80% of hair. In some people it will remove 95% and in others 100%. The results are individual to each person, however 80% is guaranteed and you will find that the remaining 20% of hair, that may grow back, will be finer and lighter (fluff like). You will find this is the case with all laser hair removal treatment as it is all hormone related.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    We recommend that most people will need at least 8 sessions to permanently reduce the hair, however please note that this will differ due to hormones. Everyones results are individual. Yearly top ups (1/2 sessions) may also be required to keep any stray hairs at bay.

  • How long do I leave in between treatments?

    We recommend that you leave 6 weeks in between each treatment, this is because the treatment is only effective on the growing hairs as they are currently attached to the hair follicle. The majority of hair will be at the resting stage (not attached to the follicle) but still in the skin, so by leaving 6 weeks in between treatments, this will allow for all hairs to be captured in the growth stage in the desired treatment area.

  • Will it hurt?

    Our laser uses the latest Crystal Freeze cooling technology which reduces any pain by up to 80%. Most clients will experience a warm tingling sensation throughout their treatments and we always ensure our clients feel comfortable during their laser hair removal sessions.

  • Does the Laser treatment work on darker skin types?

    Yes our laser is suitable for all skin tones. We tailor our settings for each individual client to ensure the best and safest results.

  • Does the Laser treatment work on lighter or red hairs?

    For all lighter hair types (white, blonde, red or grey) we find the treatment will be less effective as they have less melanin, which means that less heat will be absorbed so we cannot guarantee destruction of the hair in the follicle. We are always completely honest with client expectations, some lighter haired clients do achieve results, but it can be a longer process.

  • Can you have Laser Hair removal whilst pregnant?

    No. As the treatment is hormone related, you will need to wait at least 3 months post pregnancy to allow for your hormones to regulate. You also cannot have the treatment whilst breastfeeding.

  • Can you go in the sun or on sun-beds after Laser Hair removal treatment?

    Yes you can, but you will need to leave 10 days before and 10 days after your treatments, before any direct sun exposure, this is to minimise any risks of hypo pigmentation to your skin.

  • Can you wear false tan whilst having Laser Hair removal treatment?

    Yes you can, but we advise not to apply any fresh tan at least 48 hours before your treatment, and again waiting at least 48 hours after treatment before applying any new product to avoid any skin irritation.

  • Can you have Laser Hair removal treatment, whilst taking medication?

    At your consultation we will always ask if you are taking any medication? If so, we would always advise that you check with your GP first, if you are safe for the treatment. Some medications can cause light sensitive reactions, for which this treatment would be unsuitable.

  • Do you offer finance?

    We do not offer finance but we offer packages which helps make laser treatments more affordable. 

    Send us a message to discuss your packages.

  • Why do I need to pay a deposit?

    When booking a consultation a deposit will be required to secure your booking, which will be either £20 for most treatments or £40 for a body package. The deposits are held during the course of your treatments and as long as you haven’t cancelled any appointment with less than 48 hours notice, they will be refunded back to you at the end of your sessions.

    A consultation and patch test is a legal requirement, and your first treatment cannot be until at least 48 hours after your consultation appointment.

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